SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Ticket ID: SIXXS #5486350
Ticket Status: User

PoP: uschi03 - Team Cymru (Chicago, Illinois)

My endpoint is claimed not to ping for a period of time
[us] Carmen Sandiego on Saturday, 03 September 2011 14:24:35
[admin edit: changed subject from 'Team Cymru has not been replying to pings for a period of time'] Hello, I recived a noticed saying that: Team Cymru has not been replying to pings for a period of time. Indicating my tunnel hasn't responded to pings from the monitor. I checked over the configuration and tested ping and ping6 to both sides. IPv4 and IPv6 both internally and externally responded. The tunnel connectivity appears to be working. However, the monitoring system is reporting ping issues. Here are my details: Handle : SKO5-SIXXS PoP Name : uschi03 ( [AS23028]) Your Location: Los Angeles, us SixXS IPv6 : 2604:8800:100:84::1/64 Your IPv6 : 2604:8800:100:84::2/64 SixXS IPv4 : Your IPv4 : Last known responding: 2011-09-01 16:12:26 Confirmed that both sides of IPv4 and are reachable. Along with IPv6 addresses 2604:8800:100:84::1 and 2604:8800:100:84::2 Here are the external tests: IPv4 Ping of IPv4 Ping of IPv6 Ping of 2604:8800:100:84::1 IPv6 Ping of 2604:8800:100:84::2 Please take a look over the material so that I can keep the tunnel. I also put a email into my provider to see if they changed anything on 09/01. -Selphie Keller (SKO5-SIXXS)
State change: user Locked
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Saturday, 03 September 2011 14:22:30
Message is Locked
The state of this ticket has been changed to user
My endpoint is claimed not to ping for a period of time
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Saturday, 03 September 2011 14:24:48
It is good that some random external site can ping your endpoint, but that does not mean that your routing to the PoP is setup correctly either. See the FAQ "My endpoint does not ping" for determining what your problem might be, most likely it is related to the FAQ about connection trackers though.
My endpoint is claimed not to ping for a period of time
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 03 September 2011 21:02:02
I can confirm similar problems. Handle : JML20-SIXXS PoP Name : uschi03 ( [AS23028]) Your Location: Golden CO, us SixXS IPv6 : 2604:8800:100:a4::1/64 Your IPv6 : 2604:8800:100:a4::2/64 SixXS IPv4 : Your IPv4 : Last known responding: 2011-09-01 16:12:27 I put in a separate ticket for my issue, but wanted to comment on this to provide some data that it may be a POP issue. Note the last known responding - my network last responded at approximately the same time as the reporter on this ticket: Last known responding: 2011-09-01 16:12:26. I have also performed a tcpdump to view what is being sent from the POP and do not see any indication that there are any ICMP6 echo request packets being sent over my tunnel. Even if my routing is messed up, I'd still see the POP sending the packet (the response would likely be sent to the wrong place, but without the request there can't be a response - good or bad routing). That said, I understand I may have a different issue than this person's issue. However, I find the coincidence to be such (particularly last known responding times) to make that unlikely.
My endpoint is claimed not to ping for a period of time
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 04 September 2011 01:36:46
I confirm this problem. We also have fine connectivity it seems, but do get this reminder.
My endpoint is claimed not to ping for a period of time
[us] Carmen Sandiego on Sunday, 04 September 2011 12:29:40
Jeroen Massar, Thank you for looking into the issue, checked the graph in tunnel statistics and latency graph is showing that it's collecting data again. So this issue for my tunnel endpoint at AS17048 Awknet Communications, LLC is resolved. If there was a routing issue it was outside of our datacenter as the other two affected clients are with different datacenters/providers. AS6389 Inc. AS209 Qwest Communications Company, LLC -Selphie Keller
My endpoint is claimed not to ping for a period of time
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 04 September 2011 22:20:32
I too am seeing things working fine now. Thank you for looking into this and getting it resolved.
Ping test failure on uschi03
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 03 September 2011 20:55:23
I am receiving ping test failure emails from SixXS. My tunnel is up and I believe it to be pingable from the entire world. I have verified that 2604:8800:100:a4::1 is pingable from remote IPv6 endpoints. The tunnel is up and passing traffic. I ran a tcpdump overnight and did not see any ICMP6 echo requests. This was before any firewalls or NAT devices could intercept the traffic (public IPv4 and IPv6 IPs, no NAT). This makes me think that the ping test is broken. Here's the information regarding the tunnel: Handle : JML20-SIXXS PoP Name : uschi03 ( [AS23028]) Your Location: Golden CO, us SixXS IPv6 : 2604:8800:100:a4::1/64 Your IPv6 : 2604:8800:100:a4::2/64 SixXS IPv4 : Your IPv4 : Last known responding: 2011-09-01 16:12:27 If you verify that my information is incorrect and I am not receiving the pings because of a misconfiguration on my end, please let me know and I'll issue a quick apology and fix my systems, but right now I believe my systems to be working correctly. I would like to get this fixed before the tunnel is disabled/deleted. Thank you for your work in providing this service - let me know if there is anything I can do to help you resolve this ticket.
Ping test failure on uschi03
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 03 September 2011 21:03:51
May be related to Ticket ID: SIXXS #5486350 (which may have been improperly changed to "user" status for a possibly identical user affecting a different user and tunnel but same POP and time of occurrence).
Ping test failure on uschi03
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 04 September 2011 03:43:07
I'm seeing the same issue. I can ping the other side of the tunnel and am currently browsing using the tunnel, but it's showing ping failures and no traffic in mrtg on the site. aiccu passes all tests Tunnel T70769 PoP: uschi03 SiXXS IPv6 endpoint : 2604:8800:100:c5::1 local endpoint: 2604:8800:100:c5::2 local ipv4: sixxs ipv4:
Ping test failure on uschi03
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 04 September 2011 05:21:32
I'm also having the same issue. I am able to ping the ipv6 ip i was given from many different ipv6 networks. and even the sixxes tools show that i am sending and receiving traffic. however sometime on the first of sept. the ping chart shows no pings.
Ping test failure on uschi03
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 04 September 2011 05:23:44
forgot the pop information PoP Nameuschi03 PoP LocationChicago, Illinois, United States PoP IPv438.229.76.3 TIC (default in AICCU) Your LocationOntario, Canada Your IPv4Static, currently unknown IPv6 Prefix2604:8800:100:3e::1/64 PoP IPv62604:8800:100:3e::1 Your IPv62604:8800:100:3e::2 Created2010-12-23 23:47:14 CEST Last Alive2011-09-01 16:12:26 CEST StateEnabled
State change: user Locked
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Sunday, 04 September 2011 07:59:32
Message is Locked
The state of this ticket has been changed to user

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