Ticket ID: SIXXS #12026997 Ticket Status: User PoP: brudi01 - (Uberlandia)
What is the CTBC public DNS cache servers to be used in brudi01 pop ?
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 02:17:03
Is there a public IPv6 DNS cache server specific to CTBC to be used for the brudi01 POP ? As the tunnel terminates there would be good to use a local DNS for fast resolutions of all IPv6 traffic.
If so, what are the IP addresses of the servers ?
State change: user
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 08:02:34
The state of this ticket has been changed to user
What is the CTBC public DNS cache servers to be used in brudi01 pop ?
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 08:04:46
One could use dnscache, but as Google, Wikipedia etc now all just publish AAAA over both IPv4 and IPv6 transport worldwide, just use your local ISPs DNS resolver or set up your own cache.
Note that we'll likely disable our dnscache at one point because of this.
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