How to access a pc in my network?
Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 16 March 2015 15:49:09
Dear forum.
I have an IPv6 tunnel terminated on a Raspberry Pi. (2001:7b8:2ff:8469::1)
I do have an AAAA record pointing to (this website is on the Rasberry PI).
All pc's in my netwerk have an IPv6 address (f.e. 2001:7b8:2ff:8469::213)
Q: How can I reach from the internet a pc in my internal network?
Do they all need a AAAA record to reach them?
Henk Oegema
How to access a pc in my network?
Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 16 March 2015 18:12:06
Hello Henk,
1. what do you mean with "reaching"?
e.g. I can ping6 your 2001:7b8:2ff:8469::213
(your comment makes it obvious you know how to set up a webserver and such, e.g. on the rpi)
2. but couldn't reach via ping6 (2) + (3). I assume you disabled ping or changed something in your set up there?
(3) 2001:7b8:2ff:8469::1
Henk Oegema wrote:
Dear forum.
I have an IPv6 tunnel terminated on a Raspberry Pi. (2001:7b8:2ff:8469::1)
I do have an AAAA record pointing to (this website is on the Rasberry PI).
All pc's in my netwerk have an IPv6 address (f.e. 2001:7b8:2ff:8469::213)
Q: How can I reach from the internet a pc in my internal network?
Do they all need a AAAA record to reach them?
Henk Oegema
How to access a pc in my network?
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 09:06:15
Erkan Yilmaz wrote:
Hello Henk,
1. what do you mean with "reaching"?
e.g. I can ping6 your 2001:7b8:2ff:8469::213
(your comment makes it obvious you know how to set up a webserver and such, e.g. on the rpi)
2. but couldn't reach via ping6 (2) + (3). I assume you disabled ping or changed something in your set up there?
(3) 2001:7b8:2ff:8469::1
What I mean is this:
Om my Raspberry Pi I have a web page, which I can reach with This is because I have an AAAA record for this IPv6 address. I can see the website and I can ssh it. (and ping it)
Suppose I want to have another pc in my subdomain (2001:7b8:2ff:8460::213 where I want to host a website).
How can I reach that website? (Only if I have an AAAA record for that pc too?)
How to access a pc in my network?
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 11:03:30 Suppose I want to have another pc in my subdomain (2001:7b8:2ff:8460::213 where I want to host a website). How can I reach that website? (Only if I have an AAAA record for that pc too?)
Adding an entry in DNS is easiest indeed, otherwise
works too. Not recommended though.
Just stuff everything in DNS instead and use proper firewalling or per-applications ACLs to block resources you don't want universally reachable.
How to access a pc in my network?
Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 31 March 2015 23:17:22
Jeroen Massar wrote:
> Suppose I want to have another pc in my subdomain (2001:7b8:2ff:8460::213 where I want to host a website).
If I use http://[2001:7b8:2ff:8460::213] how does internet "know" where this pc is located? (Netherlands?, China?, New-Sealand?)
How can I reach that website? (Only if I have an AAAA record for that pc too?)
Adding an entry in DNS is easiest indeed, otherwise
works too. Not recommended though.
Just stuff everything in DNS instead and use proper firewalling or per-applications ACLs to block resources you don't want universally reachable.
How to access a pc in my network?
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 01 April 2015 08:02:45 If I use http://[2001:7b8:2ff:8460::213] how does internet "know" where this pc is located? (Netherlands?, China?, New-Sealand?)
The 2001:7b8:2ff:8460::213 is an address in the IPv6 network. Routing brings it to a location.
Please read up on IPv6. There is a simple explanation in the FAQ and otherwise Wikipedia has lots of details too.
Or, rephrase your question to be a lot more specific.
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