Setup problem SuSE 9.0 <->
Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 25 December 2003 23:42:59
First of all thanks for this nice service.
I received the information to set up a tunnel to the pop. I followed the instructions on the faq page to configure the tunnen but it's not working.
I see packets ip/40 going to the pop but nothing is comming back.
Any ideas? (iproute2 output below)
babs# ip -6 addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
inet6 fe80::2e0:18ff:fe28:3488/64 scope link
4: sixxs@NONE: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP> mtu 1280 qdisc noqueue
inet6 3ffe:4005:1000:6::2/64 scope global
babs# ip -6 route
3ffe:4005:1000:6::/64 via :: dev sixxs proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1280 advmss 1220
fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1220
fe80::/64 via :: dev sixxs proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1280 advmss 1220
ff00::/8 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1220
ff00::/8 dev sixxs proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1280 advmss 1220
default dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1220
default via 3ffe:4005:1000:6::1 dev sixxs metric 1024 mtu 1280 advmss 1220
unreachable default dev lo proto none metric -1 error -101 advmss 1220
babs# ip -6 link
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
link/ether 00:e0:18:28:34:88 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: sit0@NONE: <NOARP> mtu 1480 qdisc noqueue
link/sit brd
4: sixxs@NONE: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP> mtu 1280 qdisc noqueue
link/sit peer
Setup problem SuSE 9.0 <->
Jeroen Massar on Friday, 26 December 2003 01:36:12
As reading is very difficult, read the message again which told you what the assignment was. It also has a part about what one has to do with the tunnel before using it. Something about pressing a button on the website.
Setup problem SuSE 9.0 <->
Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 28 December 2003 15:24:54
Sorry. I read the email to fast. Happy new year :)
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