MAC OS X and tunnel setup
i compiled aiccu and it seems to work fine, but if i trie
aiccu start or aiccu test or aiccu autotest it does nothing. I editet the config file like described but it didnt work.
Not even a error message is given out !
any ideas
MAC OS X and tunnel setup
I have the same problem. compiled ok, but get no reply after aiccu start, test, autotest, nothing. Then I look for any sixxs interface being created and is not there. Any idea ?
MAC OS X and tunnel setup
I don't know how much you're into the UNIX / command line side of things... You can create a tunnel without AICCU:
You can set up the tunnel with gifconfig(8) / ifconfig(8). I think it works very much like for NetBSD:
ifconfig gif0 create
ifconfig gif0 tunnel YOURIPv4 OTHERSIDEIPv4
ifconfig gif0 inet6 YOURIPv6 OTHERSIDEIPv6 prefixlen 128
Then you need to tell Mac OS X to route through gif0. It works something like this:
route add -inet6 default ::1
route change -inet6 default -ifp gif0
You need to do this everytime you reboot.
All this is from memory. My Mac OS X box is behind NAT, so I can't test this. :(