high latency time on tunnel while rsync'ing over ipv4
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 07 May 2008 12:41:05
my tunnel latency goes up very high (>200ms), while the time i'm doing rsync or other heavy download/upload stuff on the ipv4 side. Please, how can i avoid this?
Would traffic shaping on the ipv4 side solve this issue?
Can someone point me to a good traffic shaping howto for this?
I would give ipv6 tunnel traffic the highest priority.
Thank you in advanced.
best regards
high latency time on tunnel while rsync'ing over ipv4
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 07 May 2008 13:34:10
You didn't mention an OS, but, for Linux the generic solution is Wonder Shaper for BSD you can use dummynet, for other OS's, other solutions, google and find them ;)
high latency time on tunnel while rsync'ing over ipv4
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 07 May 2008 19:20:32
Thanks, just found out that my Linux (Fedora) Kernel comes with all the things i need. (tc)
best regards
high latency time on tunnel while rsync'ing over ipv4
Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 08 May 2008 15:13:21
Depends on what kind of latency you're worried about and how you measure that.
Yes, traffic shaping can improve latency of one application's traffic vs. another's, but if you're talking about the ICMP ping latency displayed in the graphs here, of course it will suffer with any kind of traffic on the network card or interface, no matter how you shape your traffic. But ICMP is probably not your bread-and-butter application and therefore that latency is not very interesting to improve. If you are experiencing serious problems with performance of real IPv6 applications it's another story of course. Applications that would noticably suffer from 200ms latencies are real-time two-way voip streams.
high latency time on tunnel while rsync'ing over ipv4
Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 10 May 2008 20:35:27
Thanks for the answers!
i have decrease the up/download speeds a little bit on the ipv4 side, and now everything is fine. Seems that the queue on the dsl-router was a little bit stressed. :-) I forgot, that's not a enterprise grade router... ;-)
Thank again
best regards
high latency time on tunnel while rsync'ing over ipv4
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 29 October 2008 02:37:22
Even enterprise-grade routers have queueing problems. In fact, queueing problems are typically a consequence of different link speeds, and not due to the processing speed of the router. For example, a home cable router attached to a 15Mbps cable link has typically a 100Mbps Ethernet link. Hence, your home computer can probably push 100Mbps of data to your router. Your router shouldn't have problems handling 100Mbps of traffic. The probem is the 15Mbps cable link. And the problem is when you have both SSH and HTTP traffic competing for the 15Mbps cable link.
That's why traffic shaping (QoS) is useful, in order to prioritize traffic when the outgoing link is congested.
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