Confused: can't request subnet with 21 ISK
Shadow Hawkins on Friday, 11 March 2011 08:54:43
Hi there,
I'm just a bit confused here. I had several problems with getting my to work with Sixxs last year. Since then I used my static server to earn back some ISKs to request a new subnet. This is now half a year later and I am at 21 ISK. I can request a new tunnel, but not a new subnet.
According to the FAQ, a subnet costs 10 ISK. Do I have to add a second tunnel first to request that subnet? Probably that tunnel will never be used then as I already have one working. Is there a limit based on the PoP? Should I create a new tunnel to some other PoP?
So, perhaps someone could give me a hint why I can't get a subnet.
Best regards,
Philon Terving
Confused: can't request subnet with 21 ISK
Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 02 April 2011 17:47:43
See the FAQ:
You need to explain why you need more than one subnet per tunnel. A /48 ought be enough for everyone :-)
Confused: can't request subnet with 21 ISK
Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 02 April 2011 16:54:11
I had one subnet at times of 6BONE. This was created at 2005. This subnet is currently marked Freed and is listed as deleted. When I log in, I don't seem to get a subnet, so I thought I must order a new one.
So to my knowledge I have no (active) subnet.
Confused: can't request subnet with 21 ISK
Jeroen Massar on Saturday, 02 April 2011 17:47:10
Any PoPs which had 6bone are not operational any more and tunnels & subnets on those PoPs can't be used either.
Confused: can't request subnet with 21 ISK
Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 02 April 2011 17:01:55
The subnet list reads this for my one subnet:
Not assigned / Freed
Is there a way to 're-activate' it? I now have beautiful 31 ISKs.
Confused: can't request subnet with 21 ISK
Jeroen Massar on Saturday, 02 April 2011 17:54:47
Check your log, you used that till 2005. Then in 2006 it was freed as you where not using it anyway and now 5 years after that you want again a subnet. Contact with a good reasoning why you want a subnet again and explanation that you are really going to use it and most likely that will be granted.
(The trick is that only 1 subnet per tunnel can per default be created, as your 1 subnet is there but freed it won't allow creation of a new one)
Confused: can't request subnet with 21 ISK
Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 14:37:49
I described my situation to the staff. Within seconds my subnet was approved!
Thank you so much!
Now I will see how I can play with that. Thanks again!
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